2025 Luncheon Schedule
We invite you to join us for networking,
business education and scholarship fundraising.
Thursday February 6, 11:30 AM
Emmett's Tavern and Brewing Co. ~ 128 W. Main St. West Dundee
LYNNE O'MALLEY - Right at Home Northwest Suburban
Community Liaison and Educator Certified Dementia Practitioner,
CDP Certified CARES® Dementia Specialist.
Thursday March 6, 11:30 AM
Reyes Coke a Cola Bottling Company in West Dundee
Join a tour of the facility, networking and fundraising!
Thursday April 3, 11:30 AM
Rosie O'Hare's Public House ~ 702 Water Street, East Dundee
Thursday May 29, 11:30 AM
Scholarship Luncheon
Elgin Community College ~ 1700 Spartan Dr. Elgin
Friday December 12, 11:30 AM
Holiday Lunch ~ TBD
Cost to attend is $25 for NKCC Members ~ $30 for Non-members.
Registration with networking begins at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch served at 12 Noon
Please contact the Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce at melissa@nkcchamber.com for details about upcoming lunches.